Monday, August 31, 2020

Like A Married Couple

 ".. That you get me well, and also tolerate me.  There's a deepness and a richness to that. [long pause] You told me what I wanted to hear."

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Dropping Hints

 “I wouldn’t mind being know as the girl who pegged a guy... Especially if that guy is you!”

The “Talk” (2020 Edition)

 “Timmy, sit down, we need to have a talk. It’s about coronavirus.. Are you... socially active?”

“Ugh, Mooooommmm!”

“I just want to know! We need to have a talk about masks!”

The Old Guard

“Maybe she’s born with it.”

“Maybe it’s Maybelline.”

Tuesday, August 11, 2020