Friday, December 26, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Following Lego Instructions

"I'm just slow poking it."

Having Children

"And you can't undo it. Oh! Ctrl-Z! Ctrl-Z!"

When's Your Last Day?

BP:  We're gonna give you tequila shots.  And then you'll come back to work smashed.
MS:  Then I'll check everything out.  Change all the files.  Check them back in.  Then check them back out.  And kick in the monitor.

Come Sit With Us

"You can sit on my lap, and see what comes up first."


"Chicken wangs?"

Friday, November 14, 2014

Married With Children

RS:  The other thing I remember is when Al would put his hand in his pants.
MS:  Why would you do that?
RS:  It's just comforting.  Touch your pubes.

Canadian Tire

RS:  Did you guys buy tires?
RW:  No.  Canadians.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


"If I got killed by pointy things* now, it might not be so bad."

*Reaver pointy things

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Hobbit 3: The Hobbitting!

KD:  Going to this opening day, I've made a hobbit of doing that for all the movies.
AU:  This movie is so long it'll dragon and on and on...
TK:  If you like it then you should've put a Ring on it.
MS:  AU, don't dwarf the epicness of this film.
TCR:  I can't wait to see it and sit down with my precious and start goblin on that hot buttered popcorn.
KD:  It's going to be epic, no matter what, it'll be an ENTertaining movie.
TCR:  KD, I am shocked you made that joke, I thought you were shire than that!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

I Don't Really Like Sherlock

RW:  He's an asshole and I don't really like assholes.
JD:  No, you do like assholes.
RW:  Well, in my private life...
JD:  You mean our private life.

I Misheard You #13

"Funnier than a hearse full of ducks."

Friday, October 24, 2014

Witcher 3

KD:  That first soldier sure got a bird's eye view of everything.
JM:  Eye see what you did there...
TK:  It's not something to crow about.
TCR:  I bet you really had to hunt and peck for that last pun...
KD:  I generally don't have to think for very long for a pun, I just wing it.
AU:  Now that one just flew over my head... Someone spell it out for me.
TCR:  Sometimes you just need some perspective on this, "a bird's eye view" if you will...
TK:  You just repeated KD's pun.  Did you go stark raven mad?
KD:  Not sure if that upped the ante... More like just adding some feathering to pretty it up.
TCR:  I apologize, I didn't meen to rook KD's pun out from under him.
KD:  Glad you apologized, was about to beak you off.
BP:  Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not lose our heads here.
JM:  Everybody feather get back to work.
DS:  I suspect fowl play.
DS:  I only saw one crow in that whole intro.  I guess that'd be an (puts on sunglasses) attempted murder?
TCR:  Who keeps egging you people on?
KD:  Sometimes I just feel the need to crack out of my shell.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Almond Milk

"It's like it's trying to be a flavour."

An Old Tale

A friend once woke up from a nap, helped himself to a large plate of spaghetti his friends had made, continued to take his seat at the table, while holding the plate at an angle allowing the spaghetti to slowly slide off and onto his clothes.  His reaction was:

"What is wrong with this spaghetti??!"

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Career Stuff

BR:  Now that they know you are a better animator than Jesus.
MS: Jesus couldn't turn water into spline.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

I Misheard You #12

MS: We haven't even found time to play Portal together.
IC: *laughing very hard*

He thought I said "porno."

I Can Tell You About Last of Us

"Wait, don't tell me about it.  Because I might see it maybe never."

I Have No Idea How Carrots Work

"Do you want a floppy carrot?"

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Life of an Animator

"We breathe life into animation by draining our own."

Full Circle

At the start of dinner...
BP:  For some reason I woke up with dry lips.  I'm not sure why.

At the end of dinner...
BP:  I don't want to take the leftovers home.  I want to take you home, A.
AU:  I'll keep your lips moist.

Mohawk Mullets

KS:  I'd throw up.
RS:  Throw up, then give the guy a high five.

Rice Krispies

"I've never met a person who hates Rice Krispie squares.  If I ever find the person, I'm gonna tell them 'You're a fucking idiot!'"

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Perforce is Down

"I let myself become dependent on Perforce; I have Perforce addiction."

Friday, June 27, 2014

Can't Tell if Flirting

MS: maya wears the pants in this relationship.
IC: does maya ever take her pants off? so lame sorry, maybe maya is always wearing pants...
MS: lol maya withholds until i make cool animation.
IC: oooh, then what happens?
MS: lol it would melt your face.
IC: so faces are involved... umumum.
MS: double faced polys.
IC: you really should get out more.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


"Do you know what the sum of all my fears is?  Zero."

Monday, June 16, 2014

Side Boob

MS:  I just noticed Scorpion has side boob showing.
AU:  Dat side boob.  Does it make the ladies... Get over there?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


"I can't wait until I'm with someone who doesn't want me around either."

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Death Wish

"I'd just like to die old, with my partner, and spooning."



The action of delaying or postponing a difficult section of animation for a simpler one.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Is There A Toilet Here?

BC: Just go in the bushes.
MS: I told you, I haven't grown one yet!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014


MS: Forecast says rain.
BC: B-Tek is going, that's the only forecast you need.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

It's Not As Bad As It Sounds

"And I was standing at my door wondering if I should go in or not. And then I saw my girlfriend and child waving at me through the window."

Friday, April 25, 2014


"Why can't you ______ in Motionbuilder?"
"Because Motionbuilder."

Monday, March 10, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

WIPs Gone Wild

"I'm pitching tents, taking photos and posting them on WIPs."

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

Max Capacity

"Once I get my insults down, I'm gonna consider becoming a trainer."